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Mykolaiv EcoReading

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On November 27, 2020, the XIII Mykolaiv City Ecological Readings took place online. This event brought together scientists, practitioners, public figures who presented reports on innovative areas of environmental development of Mykolaiv and other settlements of Ukraine.

Project coordinator, prof. Olena Mitryasova made a report “Teaching and research of water safety in the practice of an international project.”

The experience of realization of the international project in the course of preparation of ecologists and on the ecology department base of ChNU of Petro Mohyla is presented. The results of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet project on best practices in water safety to achieve sustainable development are outlined.

The project coordinator Olena Mitryasova noted that the Module is gaining momentum, and the final year of its implementation involves a number of webinars in a mixed format (remote and classroom), as well as a summer school and round tables.

We hope that the challenges of the pandemic will stimulate the introduction of interactive distance forms of educational activities. The third year of implementation of the Module will attract more attention and interest from representatives of other universities and institutions.

We invite you to cooperate!