  • Українська
  • English

The Final Session of the Interdisciplinary European Studies

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Students of the Erasmus + Jean Monnet project 597938-EPP-1-2018-1-EN-EPPJMO-MODULE, online, at ZOOM platform, discussed the topic “Challenges and practices of Ukraine in the field of environmental security of water resources.

The questions of the topic aroused great interest from the participants of the Module. The discourse focused on the following aspects: the country’s water footprint; Directive on urban wastewater; urban wastewater treatment plants; urban wastewater treatment technology (regional aspect); Marine Strategy Directive; Drinking water directive; Flood directive; Nitrate directive.

The topic was presented by the Project Coordinator, Professor of Ecology, Doctor of Sciences Olena Mitryasova.

One of the key issues of the meeting is the Water footprint. Ukraine has a fairly significant water footprint but belongs to one of the low-water countries in Europe. In Ukraine, the average water footprint is 1575 m3 / year per capita, but the world average is 1240 m3 / year per capita. In terms of water, Ukraine ranks 51st among the countries of the world.

Відео-матеріали доступні за посиланням: https://youtu.be/oky9tfqMjKk

New global environmental challenges in the field of water resources lead to a number of new challenges for the economy and society as a whole. The need to modernize the environmental sphere of Ukraine multiplied by the insufficient level of environmental knowledge – all this led to the initiative of the team to implement this project, which brought together representatives of various universities and institutions of Ukraine.

The project team hopes that the new knowledge in the field of water security, acquired during the Module, will become a solid foundation for the formation and improvement of professional competencies and a creative platform for further coloboration!